Walking in a winter wonderland, in October.

It's October. It's before halloween. There's snow on the ground. Lots of it.
Nature decided to give us a nice ole nor'easter before halloween this year. I dont think I cant recall a halloween with snow on the ground. Wearing boots because it was so cold, sure. But snow, actual inches of snow on the ground, nope. It's a mix of heavy gross snow and powdery stuff on top. It's also very blinding when looking out a window. I don't recommend you do that longer than 1.2 seconds. You'll see spots and thats never a good sign.
It's way too early for this amount of snow. Too early. Probably not a good sign for how the rest of the winter will go. I do not approve.
I also just dumped prisma color pencil shavings all over my desk because the pencil sharpener just popped open in my hand. Probably also not a good sign. The end of the pencil also keeps breaking off into chunks as I sharpen it. This is bothersome. At $1.60 per pencil, I better get to use it before it all breaks off into chuncks. Trying to sharpen it, but it's not having it. Maybe I'll try a new sharpener. Idek. I got a few to try out. Still need to get a blender pencil because CC Lowell didn't have the prisma color blender pencil.
I'm going to stop here before this post gets wildly out of control and way way off topic. Though I fear it's to late for that. Going to make some
coney sauce for hot dogs today. Should get to doing that soon.
Until next time, *throws snowball* SPLAT!
Labels: artsy fartsy, food, rambling, snow, winter

Etsy. Some of you may be familiar with it, some may not. Let me enlighten you.
This place is dangerous. Spending your last dime dangerous.
Ok. Now that I got that out of the way. It's a sink hole of time spent browsing and oogling. Also buying. Lots to buy. Buy, buy, buy. Or sell, sell, sell if thats your thing. Buying and selling. I love browsing
Etsy to look at random curiosities. Lots to see and wish you had all the money in the world to buy. There's a lot of handmade items on here. Ranging from inexpensive to expensive and anywhere in between.
My newest thing is coming up with a theme and finding items for member curated galleries. Like this one:
Lapis Lazuli. It's fun trying to browse through thousands and thousands of items to pick out what you want to highlight for a particular gallery. Of course its limited to 16 items but thats fine. The first 4 items show on the treasury page when you browse. So put the best ones in the group there.
Now go forth and shop!
Labels: etsy, shopping, sites

.[ ~Frog ]
Sunday, October 23, 2011
6:26 AM
"Paint it over if your world is grey" watercolor

This is a watercolor painting I did while I was bored the other day. Kinda based on this blog layout too, haha. It's one of my favorite lines from the song, Look Around.
I've been browsing
Pinterest lately, which then leads me to other craft or artistically inclined sites. So I've been spending money on various art supplies. Gasp. Probably shouldn't be. But. I'm trying to have some sort of creative outlet. Even if it is short lived and all over the place. So hard to keep at one thing.
This is the result of one of my artistic attempts. Kinda happy with it too. If only i bothered to check up on how not to get the paper to warp when using lots of water on water color paper. Haha. Minor in convenience. It's slightly off center too. My perfectionist OCD is kicking into gear here. It bothers me. I won't lie. It bothers me a lot. Perhaps I'll just trim the left just a hair and then I'll frame it. I think that's what I'll do.
Though a thought crossed my mind. How does one go about making prints from a painting. I'm not even sure. Like small scale printing. Not a lot. I'm sure someone out there might like to hang it on their wall too. It was just a thought. Most likely nothing will come of it, like everything else. Ha.
Labels: art, colorful, painting

.[ ~Frog ]